About Me
Last updated: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 |
ABOUT ME Falls ihr euch auf facebook.de einloggen wollt, könnt ihr das über unseren facebook login machen.I am an everyday golfer with a passion for the game. I created this website to help myself and others find quality golf information on the internet. The golf links included here are sites that I use often on the rainy days when I can only dream of playing. There are a multitude of sites out there, some good, others overloaded with advertisements, slow graphics, and unfriendly websites. I have spent hours surfing the web and found several sites that are useful to me and, hopefully, to you. This includes where to research and find the best deals on new and used clubs, shoes, and balls. Places to buy the newest swing training aid (I have certainly bought my share), where to track my handicap, and the latest news on the golf tours. Hopefully, with your input and support, this site will continue to grow. Please click on the links and tell others about this page, and feel free to link to this website. .